Archived Blog Posts
A counseller got me to try Meetup groups...
...One of them has been really good...
...I'm extremely annoyed that Meetup of all things helped, but less than I am happy about the result.
I found a hobby group that's made up of people who present as kind and calm. Interesting people too, it's good to talk to people who have something they are eager to talk about, or at least the background knowledge to have an interesting discussion. From limited experience I expect these sorts of groups to be full of people I can force myself to tolerate but ultimately find draining and uncomfortable, but this one was not like that at all. The other meetups (at bars/pubs) I've been to kind of sucked. I met some nice people, but something about the events at these venues was off. I guess it's about the dosage of interaction with certain kinds of people, but the advantage of the whole thing is getting a bit of perspective on who I am. The longer you're on your own, the less you can trust your own self perception an to tell what's real or imagined. It's hard enough just trying to remember what day it is. There is also perspective on other people. The majority sucks so it's nice to focus on a minority sample, instead of observing like society is a big ant farm. I'm going to keep going to the hobby group but I think Meetup has already served its purpose for me. I met some people, got a sort of circle developing. Just got to keep seeing people, keeping in touch and all that...Once you get people's phone numbers, people who actually want to meet for stuff, it's easier to work on your (and their) terms rather than the social rules of a group. Anyway I will go back to both sulking and grinning over this until the euphoria wears off.
Follow up
Someone recently reached out to me (much appreciated) and brought up my last blog entry here. They said they found it relateable, and it gave them a little hope, and that made me think it’s time to write an overly personal follow up that I'll probably regret and scrub away in a few months.
The internet is a big soup where unfriendly, unhelpful, and malicious voices tend to drown out or scare away the genuine, honest, and kind voices. If you tell the internet you have social problems, the collective voice slams you with endless advice on all the things you need to do to change things and how you need to “work on yourself”. But you have to remember that it’s not so simple in the real world. You might live somewhere with few opportunities, you might be around people who aren’t a good fit, and there may not (at this time) be much you can do to change that. A lot of those people online are not really giving advice anyway, they’re giving blame. They blame you because it’s convenient to them, it makes them feel more comfortable about the privileges they enjoy and the things they’ve never had to work as hard for. It’s not that far from “why don’t poor people just buy more money”. A lot of their advice is empty and self-fulfilling too, words like “be more confident” that don’t help, often make things worse, but when the desired outcome occurs, those who gave the advice will pat themselves on the back and arrogantly take it as vindication. Some advice is more practical, but then it will pay no regard to your (unknown) context. Certainly the English speaking part of the internet is filled with american voices giving american solutions to american problems. Perfect example: they seem to think libraries are for talking in, but in some countries we think they are for reading in. Meetup is another example. No use whatsoever in the majority of Australia, and even then probably only for expecting mothers and the elderly. What works for them doesn’t have to work for you. It’s not your fault, and there doesn’t have to be some problem with you personally.
Without switching off, you can find your head in hour hands, holding together a sea of internal nagging voices telling you all the things you’re not doing and all the things you should be doing and all the ways in which its all your fault. You can forget that the world is not full of these irritating arrogant voices and that makes it harder to escape from them. Worst of all their “advice” leads in every direction at once so no matter what you do, you’re wrong.
I was wrong. I followed advice. I neglected the huge hole in my life, following priorities that were not my own but those of the advice givers who weren’t in my shoes. It cost me time and opportunities I’ll never get back. Some of that advice came from the internet, some of it came from caring members of my family. So I stopped paying attention to the advice, and tried to learn for myself.
The main thing I have learnt is that going out is bullshit. The relatively minuscule minority of people who are receptive to meeting new people sadly do not have big signs on their head saying so. Mostly, people go out with their friends or family, to enjoy time with their friends or family. Good for them. Unfortunately in terms of practical possibility - you still have to be out of your house to meet people. That’s rule #1 of trying to change things.
So I’ve been going out, a lot. I’ve been to parks, cafes, bars, restaurants, markets, art galleries, libraries, museums, a town show, a book-fest, a miniature painting workshop, even snorkelling. Mostly these things do not provide opportunities. People don’t approach me, I have to do the approaching, and that requires opportunities. The main thing that happens is I spend money to sit down in places. City people won’t admit it, but this is what their fantastic city life boils down to. They have to pay to sit down somewhere that doesn’t smell. I took the train and visited a bunch of towns along the coast, just to see where the most people were, where the young people were, to maximise the opportunities. I learnt that the options are moving to the big city, dying alone, or inbreeding. Only two places have been half decent for meeting new people: Parks are good, but only if something additional is driving people there, like an event, market, or adjoining university. Food courts, while disgusting, are also pretty good because they are a place that people go to by themselves.
When I started this, my little quest, the world seemed totally black. It was horrible, it was scary, and every time I went out I felt demoralised and more hopeless than before. But I had successes. The first of which were opportunities, small and rare but still there. Then a pleasant conversation, something you forget you can have after too much time alone. Then the next time I approached a stranger I was lucky. Dumb luck that resulted in an evening spent with someone kind and warm and unfortunately flying out of town the next day. It gave me something to cling to though. I had proof that success could be had, I had proof that I can approach strangers. Then a lack of opportunity, for months. Very hard to cling to that success. The world was still black. I had a very bad experience with one town I lived in, but it was more the absence of experience. It was a time that made me realise (through experience) sad little things like when people don’t smile back at you, you eventually stop smiling in the first place. Even though the world seems brighter and “oh it’s not so bad” when things are going well, you can always fall back to the murky black. Especially when you fail and don’t remember the successes. I had another success after going on the train trip. A group of friends “adopted” me for the night, and even though I messed up keeping in contact (or got ghosted, I can’t tell), it gave me enough hope to move, several months later, to a big city. And since the move I’ve approached about 10 other strangers over 3 months. There have been failures, there have been successes. I’ve clung to those successes, and in doing so dismissed the rejections and the failures from the rest of my lifetime, and it’s the most liberating thing because little by little I am believing in myself.
What has really opened the floodgates and cleared away the murkiness, is that I made a friend. A really good friend. It feels amazing, because while I don’t want to diminish the value of incidental friendships, this is a person I chose to approach, a person who chose to spend time with me, when neither of us had to. It is time spent regularly, time spent without feeling like it is rushed, borrowed, or stolen. Time spent on things that matter to each of us, and time spent on things we chose on a whim without having to make extensive plans. Now it’s not just believing in myself that’s changed, but believing in other people, and believing that the world is going to let up sometimes. It IS workable, I CAN have this, and everything IS going to be okay.
It’s tempting to end with advice, but it would be of no use to anyone. If you have a personal struggle then you will find your own way, or you won’t. Maybe you can change things, maybe you can’t, until one day things just change.
Perceptions of reality
Haven't given the site enough love lately, but living somewhere with people, instead of just birds and sticks, I find myself spending most of my time outside hoping to make friends. The opportunities are rubbish, it's a real grind, and almost none of the conventional "helpful" internet advice is helpful/relevant/possible, but I'm making progress, slowly but surely. Ignoring the internet and the advice from people on it was the best and most useful step taken so far. Offline it's very difficult because people are deeply rooted in their own little worlds and don't like people who interrupt that world. Like strangers. I see people who live in such a different world to me, and it's disheartening because I know the people whose company I will enjoy are a small minority. I may only find one person to talk to over a fortnight, and chances are we're not going to "click". Failure is the most probable outcome so the more trials there are, the more failures I can expect to have experienced. Pretty brutal when you're trying to build self confidence and a relaxed attitude so people don't feel threatened or disinterested. If hunger worked as cruelly as human relations do, your mouth would shrink the less food you eat, until you didn't have a mouth at all. It's all probability though. I have no real control, all I can do is improve the probability a tiny bit, or increase the number of trials, hoping that dumb luck happens sooner rather than later or not at all. In other words, keep going out, keep burning money, keep doing anything other than sitting in my room where it is impossible to meet people at all. At some point I'll have to call it quits, but by then I will be able to say I tried like most people probably never do.
[A correction to what I have said here: Failure is the most probable outcome if you're indescriminate in who you approach. Scared people are very good at discriminating.]
How to eat?
At one point I said I'd depersonalise this site and not treat it like a diary. Bugger it, I've got interesting stuff happening and I want to share it somewhere.
I just spent a bit over a week living in a hotel. A cheap hotel. It was a strange experience. I knew it was going to be very unclean and cramped, but I did not expect it to be such an experience. One guest threw a wobbly at 10pm because they couldn't figure out how to use a microwave. One guest and the receptionist had a fight. On my last two days, I got woken up at 2am by loud angry yelling. The police were called a total of three times during the week, and a couple of guests were thrown out.
I am so glad and relieved to be in my own place now. At the same time, I also have to figure out how to feed myself using a microwave and a small kitchenette. If anyone reading has some good cheap meals they cook with simple equipment, I'd really appreciate if you'd write to me :) I became pretty dependent on my oven for keeping myself properly fed at my last two places, so it's a bit weird without one. What I did figure out, is that it is not much better to feed oneself with pot noodles than buying proper food. When I was very efficient, and with a stockpile of long lasting cooking ingredients like spices etc., the weekly grocery shop was about 70$, sometimes a little as $40. I worked out if I live on sandwiches, hot cross buns, and pot noodles, I'm still going to spend around $50 a week. Working casual, and paying literally 10x the rent of my last place, makes me really appreciate how good I had it with my permanent job...however, no one has shouted at me this week, and not one of my 'clients' is trying to prevent me from doing my job every other second. Hopefully this is all just paying the price of happiness.
Year's End
This has been a very strange year for me. The change of numbers doesn't really affect anything but I'm still glad to see it go. I have a new job starting next month, in Brisbane, and part time so hopefully I'll have plenty of time for game development and site updates. Despite having plenty of time since the last update, there's nothing really blogworthy that I have done during that time. Still ignoring the suggestion of code before art, I've spent the time frantically making sprites and tiles.
There is a massive backlog of nature photos that I can now upload, and several half-completed artworks, so expect to see those pages getting a fair bit of attention. Reviews are on the backburner for now, until I figure out my writing style.
I quit my job. Again. I found it hard to care about a demanding and social job when my own social life feels lackluster (or in the most recent case, non-existant). I could go on about that more but it's just be another drop in the ocean of rants on the internet. The good thing about being NEET, is that I'm now free to work on my games, as I have been doing for a month or so. Actually I'm not exactly sure how long it has been, time doesn't quite exist when you're spending every day on the computer, in the middle of nowhere. The projects need to be more visible so I'll try and post more regularly.
Actually, it'd be good to find some collaborators, but having previously collaborated with people for game modding, I don't have faith that the reality of working with others would be a good thing. The head-butting, the spiralling ambitions, the skill's a big can of worms. Personal projects are personal, after all.
Still alive! It took a while but I think I'm back to working on this site now. I'll have to hunt down the material I had half finished. There's still no logo for Primal Dream, but I did start yet another game project (I know it's bad but I can't help it!). Both are creeping along slowly. The reason I started a new project is because I got so bogged down with the animations for Primal Dream. I've actually spent the last week picking at a new running animation, which is just about complete. There's always a lot more to be done than expected when making a game. Anyway, I need to get some logos done, look out for more updates.
I have finished my study. Time to go and get a job.
I doubt there will be as much time to work on this site, since I'll be focusing on other things. What will happen, is that the focus of this site is going to narrow. So far it's been a bit general purpose, and a bit more personal than it really should be. So a lot of things will be trimmed down or re-arranged. I will keep writing though, it's good for the practise, especially the reviews. There's a lot more to reviewing than just gushing about how great something is...I think there should be more brought to the table there. Well, all will be revealed later.
Fun fact: The reason I haven't made a page for Primal Dream is...I don't have a logo! It doesn't seem right to just slap some formatted text on. So when that happens, I can post more about the game. Progress on it has slowed to a crawl though, with my time going towards other things. I can't say if it will change though, some of my hobbies are going to get trimmed down. I'm going into a job with a lot of work to be done outside of paid hours. It's always hard having to choose between hobbies though...playing games, watching shows, making games, drawing, working on the website...there's so much else I'd like to do too. I'm not a web designer though, so guess what gets cut first.
On a completely unrelated note, sometimes I plan stuff for the site that just doesn't turn out to be good enough. Mostly just games I forget to screenshot or can't beat. One of the recent ideas I had was to do a little piece on game characters designed by women. It started because I remember reading about Ayano Koshiro's work with Streets of Rage 2 (she re-designed Blaze Fielding). It turns out that there aren't that many "sexy" characters designed by women, or at least not that I could find easily. It really does seem to be a male dominated industry (or it did in the days where you could trace designs to a known person). Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, different groups of people are into different stuff.
One of the biggest complaints people have (mostly North Americans, I think) about the media today, is a lack of representation of different races and cultures. I was thinking about it today and realised how silly it really is. Let me explain...
The first problem is, who asked to be represented? I could make assumptions here, but I've never actually seen and heard a member of a poorly represented group ask to be represented. Mostly I see invisible writers on the internet (and journalists) asking for representation of groups they do not belong to. That said, I do think there is an issue with representation in the media, but not where the loud and annoying say it is.
The next issue is a big one. Who ever said it was a writer's responsibility to represent others? If anything, they should represent themselves and what they know best. There are no rules in writing, no one has the authority to place the responsibility of representation upon writers. When writers do try to represent other cultures and races they are often met with complaints of misrepresentation and cultural appropriation. Maybe we should leave it to people who know what they are doing., although I personally do not object to writers writing characters with other cultural or racial backgrounds to their own.
Lastly, why should there be representation? Is this an invented problem? Fiction is fiction, fantasy is fantasy. To expect your personal ideal world in every work of fiction you see, is lacking imagination and incredibly stupid. I think the real question though, is where should there be representation? I do not like that every time I turn the tv on, I see either people from one tiny corner of the country or North Americans. This is actually a problem. Writers are not going to fix this, it's not them that cause it. It's when actors are cast into races they don't belong to, or tv contestants are sourced from the same city suburbs, or programs are sourced from only a few countries that we see a meaningful lack of representation. Of course this is just for television, but you can imagine similar problems with other media.
This is a bit of an unusual post for this site, but I think it's important that someone says these things. There are too many people these days who blindly pursue a "social justice checklist" without thinking enough about it. Thankfully I don't think that kind of stuff extends much into the real world, but it does loom over it constantly. I will end this by saying that broad representation has been achieved in the past. Australia's SBS used to (And still is to a large extent) an excellent solution to the problem. No, every program on the channel is not a perfect colour pallette, but it has programs from all over the world, in many different languages. Instead of trying to control and force others into changing, SBS makes the change on its own. That is the best way to solve social problems.
An Update
I haven't been too consistent in updating the site lately. Things have been busy, and they are about to get busier. My course is nearly over, and soon I'll have to get a job. Feels good but mostly just scary after a whole year of sitting on my butt. On top of that I feel a real fear for the future, with the way the press and certain western countries are behaving about Russia and China at the moment, quite apart from the almost daily bullshit that goes on in my own country. I'm sure many of you can relate no matter what you believe. The cyberpunk dystopia is very real, but we don't seem to have much of the cool aspects of it. Anyway, my head is overflowing with ideas for the reviews section, I really want to flesh it out more this year. I'm also going to be posting more updates about game development - I am working on a new game. I'll give it its own page soonish. Oh and I might be expanding the purpose of this site...I have lots to say on politics and philosophy, so I might be doing little articles on those.
Goodbye 2021
This website's first year is already coming to a close. It's been an odd year for me, kind of like the eye of the storm, with me having graduated university in January, and (if all goes well) getting my first job next year. I don't know how much time I'll have for the website. I found it very easy to lose entire days to writing up pages at first, but I'm faster at it now, since the styling is nice and comfy. Not sure I actually ended up pulling off "webpages based on old games" thing, but it's a look. Anyway, there's a bunch of things backed up for site updates, that I never got around to finishing, so at least I'm not short for content.
Divine Awakening progressed a lot this year, for which I'm very thankful. I didn't end up finishing the first level like I had planned, but it's almost done. Still not sure how much is safe to reveal here, I'll have to get in touch with some developers and publishers and get some advice on that. Depending on the response, you may see a demo here before long. This project is consuming me somewhat, which I am ok with.
Nature...I spent quite a lot of time outside this year. Not on a per/day basis, but I saw lots. Riding my bike around the neighbourhood and exploring the last parts I hadn't seen, felt a bit like saying goodbye. I'll probably come back someday, but who can tell where life will go. With all the rain and flooding (I lost count of the number of times the creek rose), this year has been a year of healing for the area, which is pretty nice. Since I haven't uploaded most of the photos here, what I saw this year is really going to end up as posts for 2022.
This is starting to become a diary isn't it? I'll finish up with my hopes and goals for 2022. It is a short list because I think next year is a time to do a few things, and do them well.
- Finish levels 1, and 2 of Divine Awakening. Aiming high, but I don't know how much time I'll have.
- Make some waves in my first job. It's only the first year, I'll have to focus on this most of all and do the best I can.
- Explore. I never want to stop doing this, and I have high hopes for the nature page.
- Learn lots. I'm finally going out into the world, time to learn as much as I can.
The Most Useful Information
I believe that everyone has something useful they can pass on. I thought it'd be interesting to be direct about it, and ask people what the most useful information they could tell me was. The results were...mixed. I'll summarise the responses I got below.
- 1. Keep breathing.
- 2. Mao died for your sins.
- 3. The coordinates to 50 gold bars (as an answer, I didn't get the coordinates :C).
- 4. Raw salmon is 10x better with soy sauce.
- 5. Rotary hammer drills are better for putting holes in concrete than driver drills with masonry bits.
- 6. Never eat yellow snow.
- 7. Don't judge people by racial stereotypes.
- 8. If she leaves you for another, there is always her mother.
- 9. Going by your gut feelings is important.
- 10. When you are typing something important in a browser, remember to select all and copy periodically, in case something happens.
At least two of these things is worth remembering, for me. I might keep asking around, it's entertaining at least.
Time and Energy
Time is strange. Months ago, it seemed like I had so much time left to get things done this year. Now it seems like it's almost over. Energy is the problem, I think. I seem permanently tired these days, for no apparent reason. Haven't had the energy to draw, haven't had the energy to work on my game. I've been focusing on my study and gaming mostly.
I've been looking through my photos, trying to find something worth uploading. I'm not very good at taking photos, most of them are blurry or have a photo-bombing finger. So there's not really going to be an update this week, maybe for a while.
Turns out Neocities won't allow .zip files, so there goes this week's update idea. I'll put something different together tomorrow. I discovered a depressing game today, and it goes like this: work out how many working weeks there are between now and the time you want to retire. Now work out how much you'd have if you set aside X amount and put it in a bank account every week. Scary stuff. I hope I can retire at 50. It's kind of a late retirement, but early considering what I've read is the average. Doubt I'll make a million unless I make something on the side. Certainly, it's worth saving money!! There's a saying, that goess something like "Every dollar saved, is a dollar earned". Some people really don't know how to do it though. I've had friends vent about not being able to afford food, and then fork out for some new expensive game. I'm just glad I was raised in a household that was careful with money. To be fair, games are relatively inexpensive, compared to other hobby items. Imagine being into Warhammer, or model aircraft, or boats. When you start looking at the numbers, suddenly it seems crazy to eat at restaurants every week, or pay for subscriptions, or to spend money on booze every week. It also brings it home how hard it is to make big money if you're not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Career choice is important of course. But much as the upper-middle class would like us to believe we can all make it, it's just... my favourite comparison is the greasy pole. A big greased up pillar with a bit of expensive food at the top. Watch the peasants struggling for a taste, keep them believing. Well, just don't fool yourself into thinking you can climb the ladder. People do nasty things to their fellow men and women when they think they can. Sadly it seems like most of the pushing and shoving doesn't achieve much. Anyway, save your money, don't spend outside your league, and things will be better.
Spring update
Spring is finally here...sort of, it's a bit cold today. I recently splurged on a PS Vita, and I love the thing. It's quite a jump from my DSi, to say the least. Having a new handheld means more games actually finished, which also means more reviews. I'm currently playing Lords of the Fallen, Metal Gear Solid, Dragon Quest Builders, Star Ocean, Moon, and Princess Minerva. The last two will actually get reviews. It's hard to write them though! I didn't think it was, but obviously there is an art to making them entertaining. I'll have to work on it and try and find something to actually offer besides either gushing over style or turning mundane dot points into paragraphs. Actually, because of this I have decided to start playing....garbage, basically. There's not much point in writing reviews for games discovered via "top 10 X" lists.
Sadly, I have had to butcher the nature page somewhat. The "permission" I had to set foot on some of the properties around here is a little dodgy, and I'd rather not have problems with new and unacquainted neighbours. I'll be sticking to public places and my own home from now on. But on the bright side, I'm moving out soon so there will be somewhere new to explore.
Also I haven't watched anime in months and I'm having withdrawals...
Things to Look Forward to
I've been sick for the past week, not much fun. I'm looking forward to getting over it (although I almost have). Since there's some things going on in my life, there are quite a few things to look forward to actually. First of all, I can take my driving lessons again (hooray), so hopefully soon I'll be able to get my license, and then after that, apart from getting a job, I'll be able to poke around in town by myself again. I've missed that for a long time now. For this site, that means photos. Sometime I've also really got to visit one of the unused roads through the forests around here, it's one of the few closeby that I have yet to explore.
Other things to look forward to include a review for Genocyber, which so far seems a bit trashy, but with a strong vibe that I think makes it worth watching, and of course it's incredibly gory. I also keep telling myself I'm going to build a mud hut, maybe mentioning it here will help me actually stick to it. Besides that, I think it'd be cool to add a recommendations list to the review page, might help keep it interesting in between reviews. Eventually there will also be recommendations for other websites on neocities. Still sorting out who's who in the zoo of is harder to seperate the work from the creator when personal websites are so personal.
How does a person stay humble? This has been bothering me. In a sea of idiots, a person who isn't particularly smart might start to think of themselves as some kind of genius, and it's certainly a sea of idiots out there on the net. Don't get the wrong idea, idiots have every right to exist, many of them are harmless enough. This is no criticism of them. But trying to avoid gaining an overinflated idea of oneself is a tough thing. "You need to go out more" is on point, but what if the real world only masks the stupidity a little better? I think the reasonable thing to do is keep these thoughts under control, we're all only human (at least I hope so).
Here is another source of frustration: Hating stereotypes. I'm tempted to think that very few people actually do this because of any thinking they've done themselves, but that's besides the point. Why do people have to insist that stereotypes are a bad thing? They are very useful. Imagine what your knowledge of cultures you haven't observed would be like without stereotypes. I think for many people, that's all they know, and in some cases that's better than nothing. Australians cling to Australian stereotypes because it gives them a national identity they might not have otherwise. There's often a grain of truth in the stereotypes too, and they are useful. For example, stereotypes about people at the bottom of society might be harsh, but that's because a significant proportion of people deserve them (emphasis on significant), so the stereotypes act as a warning or a protection against dangerous people. They also act as models, for what to do or not do. Again, this is something considered terrible, but guides for behaviour are very important to people who don't know how to behave. People will think thoughts involving the phrase "not everyone is like that...", but those are exceptions, and exceptions are...exceptional. We won't say that strawberries aren't red, because some exceptional varieties are white. I should add that I don't think it's appropriate to cling to stereotypes in the face of contradictions. That would be stupid. Better to throw away the stereotypes when you actually meet and interact with a person, although I can speak from experience when I say that this can be something you will regret. I've given people the benefit of the doubt only to have it backfire horribly, but that kind of story would hit sore spots for too many neocities visitors.
Well that was long rant. I'll try to keep negative posts like this to a minimum. I actually made this site as an escape from the rest of the internet. My own little island where I can keep things drama-free and fun. Soon to come will be that review I keep promising, and some character art for my game.
News and site updates
Hello hello. Quite a few pages recieved some updates today. I've added a few artworks, and prettied up the about page. The DA screenshots page will be coming soon (as soon as I have the screenshots!). I've had a lot more time for games lately, so the reviews page may be getting some content at last, in the coming weeks. In other news...a 30 minute attempt was made at 3d game development. I seriously need to brush up on my maths knowledge, I cannot remember a thing about vectors in 3 dimensions. Still, it's surprisingly easy to implement mouse-look and forward motion (at least in Godot). Also, I neglected to mention buying a 3d printer a few months back, I will definitely be posting about that at some point.
About the Arrows
Looks like I've accidentally been copying in download arrows left by a browser extension into my pages. Well now my site is blacklisted in the extension so that won't be happening again.
Style changes and an art tutorial
Hello! The last two weeks have been a good time for me, I've had a lot of time to work on my projects, including this site. Today I've added a small tutorial on how I make game sprites, it's linked in the sidebar. The sprite turned out to be one of my best, so do check it out. Since I'm adding longer pages, it's time to change the site navigation, so expect a little shuffle around in the near future (and hopefully a stylish one). Suggestions and feedback are welcome! Especially now that there's a guestbook.
Designing webpages based on old games
Whilst I'm preparing the pages in this site (making templates mostly), I've been trying to model them (not copy!) off different game covers and box arts. It turns out many old "adult" games have really nice box art, although the actual games aren't always at the same standard. But if you like 90's design, you should definitely check them out. In the meantime, I'll be filling up the art archive pages and finishing off the templates.