

Here you can find photos I've taken, mostly of natural scenes. I try to avoid getting the roads in view, but that's mostly where I take them from.

Walking the Woods #1 - 2024

I'm finding that most people I meet don't care much for walking around national parks, or they see "hiking" as a kind of niche hobby. Some even think it's weird. People are into different things, but that still disturbs me.

Mossy log


Cobwebs cover a seed pod


Tall tree trunks of different colors


This is our earth, this is what we've come from, what we've built our world on. Is it not important to connect with this? The earth that, one way or another, has nurtured us. I want to spread this love to other people.

A forest path covered in puddles


Adventures in the wet - 2024

Muddy mountain path framed by leafy vegetation


It's important to have adventures outside. There's a feeling of realness to it that you can't get spending all your time in urban areas.

A shallow mountain waterfall


Skinny trees rise from a swamp


Water rushing down a small waterfall


It's freeing to go for a walk and give up on keeping your clothes clean and your feet dry. As someone once told me - water washes away bad feelings.

Ordinary Grey - 2024

A dark skyscraper looms above traffic


A grey sky framed by a shadowy building


Grey is the colour of cities. The colour of the concrete, the sky, and the monotonous lives of the people who live there. Some people really dislike grey days, but I feel like it's on those days when the world is more honest.

looking through angled beams to a grey sky


Looking up at a tall building on a rainy day


Sunlit - 2024

Sunlight shines through trees beside a mountain creek


A cockatoo caught in the sunlight


Bent trees frame smooth rocks in the sun


Put me on a mountain and I am a happy man. If you've never walked barefoot along a rocky creekbed, I recommend it.

Sunlight shines on the bed of a mountain creek


Sun and shadow fall across weathered rocks


Night Adventures - 2024

A torch shines on skinny trees in the dark


A log illuminated in pitch black darkness


Plane wreck at night


A dirt track barely illuminated at night


Torchlight shines on a dirt road at night


A creekbank surrounded by darkness


Noise - 2024

Flourescent lights reflected in a scratched train window


Eerie yellow lighting in an underpass


A blurry photo of a train station platform


Criss-crossed wires of a bridge lit up at night


Creeks - 2024

A narrow flow of water through a gully


Peeking through the trees at a muddy creek


Creeks are special places, they attract the life of a forest. Whenever I see one, I stop at it for a while, as if there is something to do there. Sometimes it's swimming but more often just staring at the water and enjoying its calm.

Trees reflected in a dark pool of water


Organised Nature - 2024

A rainforest canopy from a park


A large tropical tree over water


These photos are all from parks around Brisbane.

Looking through my recent photos I notice that the phone I got last year takes really long photos, and they're spoilt by shaky hands and aggressive post-processing. I had to get another new phone this year too, since 3g calls won't work anymore (which is infuriarating when 3g is the only option in the countryside!!). Sadly the new one has a camera that is even worse. So I plan to get a decent camera by the end of the year.

Red and yellow flowers hang from a tree


The Road I'm on - 2023

Dry trees along a dirt road


Three roads

A rough track through state forest


All different

A red dirt road in a tropical forest


And yet the same

Lost chapter - 2023

Wind turbines in QLD


Strange that it's taken until now to upload pictures of this place. It was pretty, sort of similar to where I grew up.

Looking along a road beside a peanut farm


I didn't live here long. It was lonely and I was under a lot of pressure at work.

The sun's glare above a crop


Being totally alone, I found no reason to tolerate it. If I'd had a friend there, maybe I would have stayed.

Palm Cove - 2023

A row of palm trees lean over a sandy beach


The rocky shore of Palm Cove


Palm Cove is a place I didn't really appreciate while I was there...the palm trees were nice though. Will have to go back someday, but next time with company. Also a friend (?) showed me some other photos they took with a decent camera and now I feel kind of bad about taking all my blurry photos with a phone instead of something better. Oh well...they serve their purpose either way.

Shallow Mangroves at Palm Cove


Construct - 2024

Retail renovation


A blurry car leaves a tunnel


The experience of a city is so blurred. So much going on at any given time, places changing constantly. In the countryside it feels like the land remembers the past, but here I don't think it has a chance to keep up. Maybe I'll pick up the vibe with more time.

Lights on a large metal bridge


New Home - 2024

View from Victoria Bridge at sunset


I changed the title of this page because I'm no longer living out in the sticks. I want to share photos of more subjects/settings than just forest.

Brisbane CBD rising behind mangroves


Growing up in Queensland, Brisbane sort of looms over you your whole life as the big busy place where everything happens. I didn't think I'd end up actually living here.

View from Mt Coot-tha


I still don't think I'll stay here long. This place seems to exist in a bubble, it's not quite real.

Cold - 2023

The sun's flare through grey clouds


Among the trees - you feel an overwhelming presence, you're being stalked by something out there in the cold. In your mind's eye it rushes towards you, pulls you through the undergrowth...but the moment doesn't come. The forest doesn't move.

A paddock overgrown with dead grass


Under the moon's light - just you and nothing else. The land becomes a void. No fear, there is nothing out there. For a moment, the world contains only you and the sound of a gentle breeze.

Moonlit photo of the clouds


On the road - the land and sky tilt away before you. The sky turns dark and the land falls silent in awe. As if in response, a growing urge to fall to your knees, to freeze and rot with the landscape around you.

Lonely Mood - 2023

An empty beach on a gloomy day


A paddock with an Autumn mood


Eerie blue mudflats


Cairns - 2023

Rainforest trees


Cairns mudflats


I should like Cairns, but I don't. Something to do with having little else to do besides go out to the esplanade and either walk aimlessly up and down, or stare at the sea.

Rainforest trees


Skies - 2022

Clouds as seen from above


Sunset through smoky clouds


It doesn't matter where you go, there will still be powerful skies.

The moon at sunset


Photos from home - 2022

Road overlooking a paddock


The view of a mountain from a cleared strip


These photos are from some of my favourite places around home. Plenty more still to upload. (I uploaded these shortly before moving north for work).

Paddock overlooking a road


Drain - 2022

Blue water in a drain


Pretty trees beside a drain


This nice looking place, is the end of a big drain in town. Looks really nice, apart from the blue water. A lot like a postcard picture. I think it's cool that even cities can have places like this tucked away.

A rockpool in the drain


Waterways - 2021

A low creek


A gully in the forest


I take a lot of photos. Most of them turn out blurry or have too much glare or shadow. It's a shame because out of the hundreds of photos I've taken, there's only a handful worth sharing. Anyway, there's something magical about water. Especially when you find it somewhere unexpected.

A bubbling creek


Edible Plants - 2021

After flicking through a weed guide, I decided to sample some of the edible plants around home. You should always be careful about eating wild plants, and as it turns out, I was not careful enough (well, I'm not dead at least). Please be absolutely sure of what you eat, and NEVER, EVER, eat wild mushrooms. Even mushroom experts kill themselves accidentally, from time to time. Also do not use my photos as a guide on their own - confirm with people you know irl or local experts (scientists, not hippies).



This is Chickweed. It tastes like lettuce, and would make a good lettuce substitute. I rate this 9/10 and would actually use it, especially in sandwiches. Sadly, the only patch around here is inside the yard, and gets trampled by my dogs.

Wood Sorrell


This is Wood Sorrell. It tastes sour, but not as much as a lemon. I rate it 8/10, and while I probably won't use it in meals, it does taste good enough to stop and eat a bit.

A plant that looks like Dill


Here we get into plants I was unsure about and spat out after tasting. I thought this was Fennel, but it turns out that it is definitely not. Thankfully I think it is Dill, another edible weed. Sadly I can't confirm this. I rate it 5/10, because it's very herby but still not bad. (It should be mentioned that some very poisonous plants, like Hemlock, resemble Fennell).

A Dandelion plant


This is Dandelion. I didn't try it. But apparently you can eat everything on it. It's milky and looks too similar to poisonous plants for my liking.

It would be great to eat more wild food, especially in cooking. I think the reality of wild foods is that most of them are mediocre vegetables. After misidentifying one, and possibly more plants, I don't want to take the risk anyway. I'll keep eating what I'm sure of though. To be fair, you can use some guides relatively safely. I used one from the ABC (who don't want to be sued because of accidents) that included pretty safe choices.

Other plants which I had hoped to find but couldn't include Cobbler's Pegs, Blackberries, Pigweed, and some succulent thing I forgot the name of. I decided not to try Mallow, Wild Spinach and Nettles. The first can be poisonous or edible depending on the soil, the second I couldn't be sure I had found, and the last is a bit inconvenient. In my area there is also cactus fruit, which taste nice but are a lot of trouble, and blackberry nightshade, which has berries that are edible when ripe but poisonous when they aren't. In general if it looks like a tomato, it's poisonous (solanums).

Wild Brassica


This is possibly Wild Brassica. Tastes like...brassica, but it's so small that I don't think it's worth eating. There is quite a lot of it though. 4/10.

Deep Green - 2021

Monitoring mulberries


Forest canopy


Flooded ground


Wattles - 2021

Wattles beside the road


Wattles beside a muddy road


The Wattles are doing really well this year. There are so many! I've counted at least 8 kinds, although there's only two pictured here. It;s also nice to see the peaches along the creeks flowering, I thought most of them had died during drought.

A peach flower


Ironbark - 2021

Ironbark trees frame the view of a hill


Lush grass at the foot of some Ironbarks


I finally explored the road on the other side of the mountain nearby (I won't say which, for privacy reasons). I was so tired by the time I got there, and someone has fenced off the road, so I didn't travel far along it. It was beautiful though, especially on a cloudy day. It was nice to see some Ironbarks that are still alive, but they still don't look too healthy.

A dirt road in a dying forest


Erosion in the middle of a road
