About: BioKnights

BioKnights is the working title for a dungeon crawler I started simply because I like the look of old PC-98 games but can't play them (not knowing Japanese). Of course it was hard to keep the ideas under control, and I vastly underestimated how much work was involved. So it has gone from a quick project to sitting on the backburner.
Bioknights is to be a dungeon crawler RPG in the style of such games as Etrian Odyssey and Phantasy Star. It will draw heavily from PC-98 dungeon crawlers and cyberpunk sci-fi. Other influences include 1990s anime, Body-horror, and real-world genetic engineering.
Current State of the Project
Currently the very basics of the dungeon environment (movement, battle triggers, modular dungeon maps) are present. The battle and stat systems are near-complete, as are the designs of the five protagonists. The bulk of the remaining work is in creating functioning UI, implementing the battle system in its entirety, and in writing the story. Bioknights is very simple in terms of gameplay mechanics, so its value will depend on the time and effort put into worldbuilding and presentation.